
Computing and IT

Construction & Building Services

Creative & Visual Arts

Creative Media Production

Engineering & Automotive

Foundation Studies

National Citizen Service

SEND Provision

Accountancy & Bookkeeping

Business & Administration

Catering & Hospitality

Computing and IT

Construction & Building Services

Customer Service

Engineering & Automotive

Hair & Beauty

Health, Social Care & Early Years
University Level

Engineering & Automotive

Health, Social Care & Early Years

Sport & Public Services
Adult Learning

Access to Higher Education

Accountancy & Bookkeeping

Assessor Qualifications (TAQA)

Green Skills
Engineering Operative – Level 2
Engineering Operatives are predominantly involved in engineering operations which are key to the success of the Manufacturing and Engineering sector allowing employers to grow their business while developing a work force with the relevant skills and knowledge to enhance the sustain the sector.
They will work individually or as part of a team to carry out a range of engineering operations which could include ensuring machines and equipment used are maintained and serviceable, dealing with breakdowns, restoring components and systems to serviceable condition by repair and replacement; operating a variety of machines (CNC or Conventional); assembling and repairing machine and press tools, dies, jigs, fixtures and other tools; fabrication/installation of a wide variety of other sheet fabrications and equipment and; fabrication and assembly of metal parts joining techniques; preparing materials and equipment for engineering processes, providing technical support including communications software, test tools, performance, capacity planning, and e-commerce technology as required.
Entry Requirements
GCSE in Maths and English Grade C/4 or above or Functional Skills L2. Applicants will also be assessed individually for suitability.
A suitable work placement must be in place before an apprenticeship can begin.
12 months + 3 months EPA period
Course Information
You will attend college one day a week and spend the remaining time with your employer. You will be required to work a minimum of 30 hrs per week, this includes your college day.
Course Content
You will study and evidence skills in the following areas:
- Statutory regulations and organisiation
- Safety requirements – including ay environmental compliance procedures and systems
- Identify hazards and hazardous situations
- Prepare the work area and equipment
- Obtain and follow appropriate job documentation and work instructions
- Extract data and information from specifications and related documentation
- Carry out engineering activities and quality checks in line with your job role