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Safeguarding is an important element of all aspects of Weymouth College’s activities and the safety of our students is of paramount importance to us. We are committed to providing an environment that values young people and vulnerable adults.

We work with the Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs) and Local Safeguarding Adult Board in Dorset to ensure that our policies and procedures follow local best practice. Please read our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Prevent Policy for more information.

Anonymous Reporting

If you have any concerns regarding the welfare of a student at Weymouth College or another safeguarding concern and you do not wish to be identified, you can use our anonymous reporting tool to submit the details.

Please click here to be taken to the anonymous reporting tool

Continuing high standards

Ofsted has recognised Weymouth College’s efforts to deliver high quality safeguarding practice:

The arrangements for safeguarding are effective

  • Managers have effectively integrated arrangements for safeguarding with college support services. Staff are appropriately trained, highly vigilant and identify and report concerns about learners promptly. Managers’ work well with external agencies and any concerns are resolved swiftly.
  • Learners are well informed of risks such as those associated with use of the internet and social media. Harassment or bullying is not tolerated. Learners report that they feel safe and well supported at college.
  • Managers ensure that the college discharges its ‘Prevent’ duties and that risks have been assessed. Staff training and learner awareness raising is ongoing and managers have good links with local agencies who keep them informed of new developments or concerns.
  • Managers carry out comprehensive recruitment checks on staff and volunteers and keep accurate records. They undertake health and safety assessments and audits systematically and review them regularly”.

(Ofsted 2015)

We are proud of our record in safeguarding and take our responsibility very seriously to safeguard the welfare of all young people and vulnerable adults attending or visiting the college. The steps we have taken to ensure continuing high standards include:

  • The College ensures that safe recruitment practices are followed when employing all staff;
  • A safeguarding culture is actively promoted within the College; incidents of bullying, intimidation, harassment and abuse will be taken seriously and acted upon;
  • The College has a senior member of staff who leads on safeguarding supported by a dedicated Safeguarding Manager and a team of trained safeguarding officers;
  • Resources are targeted at young children who are ‘Looked After’ by local authorities, those subject to Child Protection/ Child in Need Plans and adults who have significant vulnerabilities;
  • All Governors and staff receive regular training on safeguarding;
  • Visitors, volunteers, employers and partners of the College are made aware of the safeguarding procedures and their responsibilities towards our students. In particular we have a strict lanyard wearing policy that ensures anybody on site is easily identified;
  • All students receive an induction and information on safeguarding and know what to do if they have any concerns;
  • Immediate access to a Safeguarding Officer is available to all students and staff. Any concerns can be reported by telephone (07850 929540).

The Safeguarding Team

The Designated Senior Person with responsibility for Safeguarding at the College is Rob Cole, Vice Principal (Finance and Human Resources) and he can be contacted on

If you have any concerns or are presented with an issue that might relate to Child / At Risk Adult Protection, please contact in confidence:

Rob Cole

Vice Principal (Finance & HR) Designated Safeguarding Lead

Sue Dafter

Head of Student Services & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Chris Sheldon

Safeguarding and Welfare Officer

Bev Bull

Safeguarding and Welfare Officer

Maria Watters

Student Financial Support Manager

Kristy Reid

Safeguarding & Welfare Officer

Out of Hours Support Links

The Mix is a UK based charity that provides free, confidential support
for young people under 25 via online, social and mobile

Links to report suspected terrorism activity via the UK government’s official website

A local charity that helps people in Dorset experiencing mental health
problems access the vital support they need

Welcoming all young gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans and questioning (LGBT+)
people up to age 25 across Dorset

Offering care, support, counselling and wellbeing services for people with learning disabilities,
enduring ill mental health, domestic abuse, sexual violence, or stalking

Dedicated counselling and a specialist Independent Sexual Violence Advisor service specifically for
Children and Young People in Dorset who have experienced sexual violence

PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide is the UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and
the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people

Supporting children and young people who have been bereaved of someone special,
such as a parent, sibling, friend or a member of their extended family

A free, private and confidential service where you can talk about anything, for those aged under 19

The UK’s leading children’s charity, preventing abuse and helping those affected to recover

A national charity working to transform the hopes and happiness of young people facing abuse, exploitation and neglect

Operation Encompass - Safeguarding Partnership with Dorset Police

Care Experienced Young People & Care Leavers at Weymouth College

Find out more about the support available in our Care Experienced Young People and Care Leavers at Weymouth College Leaflet

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