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Inclusion is important at Weymouth College and if you meet the course criteria, support is available for you to access mainstream, vocational courses from Entry Level to Foundation Degree level.

Students are encouraged to take advantage of the transition opportunities at Weymouth College.

  • A member of the support team can be invited to attend your person centred review from Year 9 onwards, to support you and your family with information regarding options that may be available to you when you leave school.
  • A member of the support team can visit your current school to discuss what support needs you have and plan any support that needs to be put in place at Weymouth College.
  • A visit to Weymouth College can be arranged for you to look around and familiarise yourself with the campus, meeting key staff and finding out about the facilities, services and support available to you.
  • A summer club is available 2 days a week during the summer holidays where you can attend for all or some of the sessions to minimise stress and anxiety of starting a new college. It may help you to feel more confident and to meet other young people who may be feeling the same.
  • 1:1 meetings with key staff are available to establish links and to build relationships with the support team or personal tutors that will be offering support when you start college.

Student Support Team

We offer a wide range of support to all learners with an additional need, from learning difficulties to mental health issues, dyslexia to special examination requirements, etc.

Services offered include:

  • Transition support from school to college
  • Classroom Support (1:1, 1:2 and small group support)
  • Assignment Workshops
  • Learning Resources
  • Loan of specialist equipment
  • Exam access arrangement and assessments
  • Support for Mobility or Sensory Requirements
  • Administration of medication
  • Personal care
  • Feeding or support to eat independently
  • Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)
  • Person Centred Reviews

Find out more about Student Services here.

Meet our Support Dog Charity

Meet Charity – our assistance dog who is trained in calming highly anxious or distressed students…

Your Next Steps

Details of our regular Open Events held at Weymouth College throughout the year can be found here. They give you the opportunity to meet staff, have a look around and see what courses are available to you.

If you would like to arrange a private visit or find our more about our SEND provision please email

You can find our SEND Provision courses at the bottom of this page.

You can find out how to apply for a course here.

Once you have applied online for a course of your choice, you will be invited for an interview. During the interview or by contacting the support team before, you will be able to ask how your support needs can be met.

SEND Provision FAQs

What types of Special Educational Need and Disabilities are you currently supporting, or have supported in the past?

We have quite a range of special educational needs and disabilities that we are currently supporting. These include the following:

  • Mild, moderate and severe learning difficulties
  • Social, emotional and mental health needs
  • Physical disability or sensory needs
  • Autism Spectrum Conditions
  • Medical conditions

As long as you can meet the entry requirements for your chosen course, and funding has been approved by the SEN team at Dorset County Council, we will plan the support that you will require to complete and achieve your course.

How do you identify Special Educational Needs? How do you know if a student needs additional support?

The support team will start to gather information once an application for a college course has been made.

It’s really helpful to the support team if we can be provided with a copy of your Education, Health and Care plan together with any relevant documents or assessments as early as possible.  We welcome any communication from you, your parents and carers, the school or any other agencies that can help us to ensure that your needs can be supported effectively.

A member of the support team will complete an Additional Learner Support plan with you before or during your enrolment process.  This plan will be shared with the personal tutor and lecturers that will be working with you to ensure that they are able to make adjustments and support your learning needs.

What is your approach to teaching young people with SEND? How do you adapt course content and the learning environment?

Everybody is unique here at Weymouth College and we like to celebrate that and support learners in making decisions about how they want to live their lives.  The college is at the heart of the local community and we encourage our students to work towards making a positive contribution to that community.  We offer students the opportunity to build their confidence, explore their potential, make new friends and develop their living and work skills whilst gaining recognised qualifications.

You will learn in a safe and friendly environment and will be supported every step of the way by our experienced and dedicated staff.  At Weymouth College we are committed to helping our students succeed and have invested in dedicated facilities to aid your learning and development.

You will be able to access courses at levels that are appropriate for you with the support that you require to meet your needs.  Individualised timetables are written for any student that doesn’t feel ready to complete a full time, main stream course.  Their timetables are designed to take account of their specific interest and needs and may include tasters in a vocational area to help prepare them for progression when they are ready.

What SEND training have teaching and other staff at the College received?

We have a team of staff with a wide range of experience and expertise in

  • All staff attend regular staff development days where training is designed to meet the needs of the students and keep up to date with current developments in SEND.
  • Additional training also takes place by trained specialists this included:
  • Manual handling
  • First aid
  • Administration of medication training arranged to support individual students
  • Personal Emergency Evacuation training for individual students with mobility needs
  • Supporting learners with their education
  • Network meetings and sharing of best practice with other education providers
  • Professional development is monitored and supported for all staff by the college appraisal system

What specialist equipment and services are available at the College?

If Weymouth College is an appropriate educational provision for you, and your EHCP states that you require specialist services or equipment, the support team will liaise with the SEND team at Dorset County Council to request it for you. Weymouth College already has a great deal of equipment and services available that will ensure that your needs can be met.

Equipment or services currently available at Weymouth College:

  • Fully accessible toilets with electric hoists and Closomat toilets (integrated washing and drying) fitted
  • Staff to support with personal care and feeding
  • Height adjustable desks
  • Laptops for loan
  • Dictaphones for loan
  • Computers and iPads with assistance technology such as Dragon Speak
  • Coloured overlays

How do you know if students are making progress towards their outcomes? How is this assessed?

Personal tutors and course tutors continuously monitor your academic progress. Support is identified where required to help you complete and achieve your qualifications.  Termly reviews are completed through discussions between you and your personal tutor.  A parent report is also written and discussed at parents’ evening.

Your EHCP outcomes are monitored and reviewed regularly. Person Centred Reviews will be held to discuss your outcomes and update the action plan.

How do you evaluate how effective your provision is?

Student surveys are regularly undertaken to evaluate the college provision and student experience.  Results are analysed and included in self assessment reports produced by each department.

Student representatives are nominated for each course and meet termly to put forward any opinions or concerns you may have for the college management team to consider and respond.

How do you consult with young people with SEND and their families?

At Weymouth College, we welcome contact from parents which helps us to effectively meet our students’ needs.  We develop effective communication and partnerships between parents/carers and staff, sharing information and knowledge that is beneficial for you. We will also consult with parents/carers during parents’ evenings, person centred reviews and at any time during the year when you may require support.

How do you prepare young people with SEND moving to another post-16 setting, and in preparation for adulthood and independent living?

We support you with your transition to life after college.  Our supported internship programme can help you into employment or a traineeship.  If your pathway is to independent living, we will encourage you to investigate options available to you and support you with a smooth transition to adulthood.

How can students with SEND or their families make a complaint?

Please see our complaints policy available on our website on the link below:

Where can I find my local authority's Local Offer?

Information on all matters relating to children and young people with SEND is published by the Local Authority through the Family Information Directory. This can be accessed at

You may also wish to visit the Family Information Service homepage, which will provide you with links to other organisations

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