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Home › Foundation Studies
Foundation Studies is the name for qualifications at Entry and Level 1. This is designed to create clear progression routes through Entry and Level 1 to Level 2. You will study personal and social development, vocational development and Maths and English on each of the courses.
Foundation Studies at Weymouth College allows you to build a course based on your own needs, personal interest and career choice and will include team-building activities, work experience and tasters in vocational areas to help you take the first step towards your future.
Each course is linked directly to a progression pathway which allows the learners a very clear understanding of where their course will take them.
For those with additional needs or EHCPs, find out more about the SEND provision and transition programme at Weymouth College here.

Becky says... Most of my experience has been working with students with significant barriers to learning and I thrive on the challenge of making my classroom a place students can achieve in and want to return to.
- - Progress through our range of courses
- - The vocational nature of our Routes Into courses will prepare you for employment or further study in your chosen arae

Course Leader
John says... Working with my students is a privilege. From welcoming them at the beginning and shaking their hands at the end as they progress to the next step up in their life.

Gaynor says... The success of these young adults, academically, emotionally and socially is the reason I enjoy this role so much. Seeing the learners grow in confidence throughout the year and watching them reach their goals, despite any obstacles in their way, gives me a sense of pride.
Key Facts
- 95% Achievement Rate - 6% above national average
- Previous students have progressed to many other areas in the college including art, catering, health and social care, travel and tourism, IT, construction, sport, hairdressing and motor vehicle
- Residential trip opportunities
- - Dedicated life skills, quiet and IT facilities