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Politics A Level
In Short
Are you interested in the big issues such as who holds power within the UK and why the West has been unable to intervene militarily in Syria? If you are, then Politics could be the course for you. Politics is an exciting subject which aims to broaden, deepen and question your understanding of the world . It will enable you to develop a critical awareness of the nature of Politics and the relationship between political processes, themes and philosophies. This course will add to your ability to compete for jobs and/or places at university, and will be an excellent preparation for all Higher Education. Universities have shown particular interest in the development of this subject.
At Weymouth College we are pleased to have active links with Aberystwyth University – recognised as the oldest international politics department in the world.
100% pass rate in A Level Government and Politics in 2020 – 5.8% above National Average
Entry Requirements
At least 5 GCSEs at Grade 9-5 including English Language and Maths.
Course Content
This exciting subject aims to broaden, deepen and question your understanding of the world. It will enable you to develop a critical awareness of the nature of politics and the relationship between political processes, themes and philosophies. Since its inception, we have had question and answer sessions from Lord Jim Knight of Weymouth, Richard Drax MP and members of UKIP.
AS units
- People and politics
- The nature of power and how power becomes a legitimate authority
- Governing the UK
- The UK constitution and the EU
A2 units
- Structures of global politics
- Global politics by examining key global political structures and systems
- Global political issues
- Key issues in recent global politics and how they are are dealt with at a global level
Past student have gained places onto degree courses such as international relations, history, international events management primary teaching, adult nursing, sociology, mental health nursing, law and psychology at Universities such as Exeter, Aberystwyth, Winchester, Bristol, Southampton and Bournemouth. An A Level in Government and Politics will be a valuable contribution to a set of qualifications that employers value. The transferable skills involved in the subject are highly sought-after in a wide range of careers. Equally, material studied would be useful for candidates intending to pursue a career in business, journalism or local government.
Your Tutors - James Foster & Amanda McKechan
James Foster
BSc (Hons) Economics, International Politics and Law
Head of Academic Studies
I have taught at Weymouth College for 15 years on a range of academic and vocational subjects such as Business, Law, Politics and History. I have been an Examiner for Pearson since 2009, examining History and Politics and I have recently been appointed as an Applied Law Examiner. This means I am able to guide students through the requirements of the examination and help them to achieve their potential. Law is constantly changing and there are always new and fascinating cases to discuss in criminal tort and contract law.
If you are aged 16-18 as of 31 August on the year of enrolment – no course fee. If you are over 19 as of 31 August and enrolling on a full-time programme of study a tuition fee will be applicable in most cases. Bursary funds There are financial support arrangements for 16-18 year olds and hardship funds available for the over 19s. Please contact our Information Centre for details of costs and concessions on 01305 208808 or email enquiries@weymouth.ac.uk