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In Short

The ability to think mathematically and to use mathematical techniques to solve problems is one of the fundamental skills that underlie much of modern life. A surprisingly wide range of university courses have mathematical or statistical components and doing this course will give you the necessary background for these. It is also a fascinating and most enjoyable subject in its own right.

The course will develop further the disciplines of pure maths, statistics and mechanics. You will be introduced to a variety of mathematical skills including, quadratic equations, plotting circles using formulae, graph transformations, logarithms, trigonometrical equations and calculus.

100% pass rate in A Level Mathematics in 2020 – 7.9% above National Average

“Studying A Level Maths has greatly helped to improve my numerical understanding and has allowed me to explore many opportunities for my future after college.”  Alex

Entry Requirements

At least 5 GCSEs at Grade 9-5 plus a minimum Grade 7 (A) in Maths.


Course Content

The ability to think mathematically and to use mathematical techniques to solve problems is one of the fundamental skills that underlies much of modern life. in this course you will study pure maths and an applied Maths which is made up of Statistics and Mechanics.

Pure maths: algebra, trigonometry, sequences, geometry and calculus  Mechanics: application of pure maths to the study of force and motion Statistics: Probability theory, data analysis and representation. 


A Level Maths is accepted as a good general entrance qualification for most degree courses and is vital for those such as Physics, Electronics and Engineering and is strongly encouraged for courses such as Medicine and Computer Science. Equally, the material you will study would be useful if you intend to pursue a career in accountancy or other business management area. Students who completed this course have gained places on courses such as BSc (Hons) Physics, BA (Hons) Mathematics & French and BEng (Hons) Aerospace Design Engineering at institutions such as Bristol University, UWE and University of Exeter.


Your Tutor - Neil Johnson

BSc (Hons) Physics

I have worked at Weymouth College for 12 years, except for one year when I did a bit of travelling. I returned to teaching Physics at college because I love seeing people develop the skills needed to go on to a Physics or Engineering degree at university, and I enjoy helping those who initially find topics in Physics and Maths challenging.

I think Physics is so diverse that there’s something for everyone, which other subject covers the entire universe?!


If you are aged 16-18 as of 31 August on the year of enrolment – no course fee. If you are over 19 as of 31 August and enrolling on a full-time programme of study a tuition fee will be applicable in most cases. Bursary funds – There are financial support arrangements for 16-18 year olds and hardship funds available for the over 19s. Please contact reception for details of costs and concessions on 01305 761100 or email

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