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The Instruments and Articles of Government of the College require the publication of arrangements for consulting with students and staff at the College on the determination and periodic review of the educational character and mission of the College and the oversight of its activities.


The views of our students are at the heart of the College’s decision-making and quality assurance processes.

Students can express their views in a variety of ways, including via:

  • the Student Council – made up of Student Representatives from each group – which meets with the Principal and Senior Leadership Team
  • the two Student Governors, one from each campus, who have a standing agenda item at meetings of the Board of Governors and full voting rights
  • Student representation on college committees
  • Student focus groups
  • Student surveys carried out by the College
  • National Student Survey and Ofsted Surveys (held during Inspection)
  • Tutors, Student Services, the Student Officer and other staff informally

The College also engages with its HE students through the feedback received as part of the National Student Survey.

Feedback from students feeds into the College quality assurance and review processes, including the Self-Assessment Report and the Quality Improvement Plan.


The College seeks to engage with staff through the following opportunities:

  • Staff Surveys
  • Staff Forum
  • Joint Consultation Committees
  • Principal’s Question Time
  • Staff Briefings by the Senior Leadership Team
  • Direct CEO link on the intranet
  • College Committees and Focus Groups
  • Staff and Student Governors

Two members of staff (one from each main campus) and two student governors are elected to the Board of Governors and play a full part in the business of the Board. In addition to its responsibility to review the educational character, mission, values and strategic priorities, the Board also monitors all aspects of the College’s provision, its financial performance and its outcomes for learners.


The College engages with employers by arranging focus groups, developing curriculum links undertaking an annual employer survey.

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