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Statement of Intent

Weymouth College (and its subsidiaries) recognises and accepts its legal responsibilities for health and safety as detailed in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.
It is the policy of the Corporation to develop and ensure a safe, healthy and supportive environment for all employees, learners, contractors and visitors. The Corporation is fully committed to the policy and regards it as having the highest priority and will ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to achieve and maintain such an environment. The College is committed to achieving a measurable, progressive improvement in health and safety performance, with legal requirements establishing a minimum acceptable level.
The objectives of the Health and Safety Policy are to

• Implement and maintain an effective and properly resourced health and safety management system (based on HSG65);
• Promote standards of health, safety and welfare that comply with the provisions and requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act and all other relevant statutory provisions and Approved Codes of Practice;
• Define health and safety responsibilities for staff, learners and visitors;
• Promote a positive health and safety culture throughout the College;
• Provide and maintain a safe, healthy and supportive working/learning environment;
• Ensure that safe systems of work are in place to ensure the safety of employees, learners and others who may be affected by the College’s activities;
• Ensure that risks are managed by the process of risk assessment and the implementation of suitable risk control systems and workplace precautions;
• Provide all employees with the necessary information, training, instruction and supervision in order that they may work safely and to ensure competence in their delivery of health and safety training to learners;
• Ensure effective communication and consultation with staff, learners and others affected by College activities;
• Assist the College in implementing the ‘Be Healthy’ and ‘Stay Safe’ aims of the Every Child Matters programme;
• Promote high standards of health and safety awareness and practice for learners through the implementation of the SFA’s “Safe Learner Blueprint”;
• Measure and review health and safety performance regularly at both College and department levels with the aim of continuous improvement.


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