Committees and Committee Reports
The Corporation has constituted the following Committees to help it do its job. The Board receives a report from the Committee Chairs at each meeting.
Further information can be obtained from the Clerk.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee comprises four members of the Corporation (excluding the Principal and Chair) and it operates in accordance with the Joint Audit Code of Practice and written terms of reference approved by the Corporation.
The Committee meets up to four times a year and provides a forum for reporting by the College’s auditors, who have access to the Committee for independent discussion, without the presence of College management. The Committee also provides a forum for requests by the Corporation for extra scrutiny of specific matters in addition to considering any reports from both the FE and HE Funding Bodies as they affect the College’s business and monitors the Risk Register.
The Committee advises the Corporation on the appointment of its auditors.
The College’s internal auditors review the systems of internal control, risk management and governance processes in accordance with an agreed plan and report their findings to management and the Committee. Management is responsible for the implementation of agreed audit recommendations and auditors undertake periodic follow-up reviews to ensure such recommendations have been implemented.
Plans are endorsed by the Corporation on the recommendation of the Audit Committee. At minimum, annually, the Head of Internal Audit (HIA) provides the governing body with a report on internal audit activity in the College. The report includes the HIA’s independent opinion on the adequacy and effectiveness of the College’s system of risk management, controls and governance processes.
The audit committee met twice in the year to 31 July 2022 (one meeting being postponed as it was not quorate), with 100% attendance.
Finance and Resources Committee
The Finance and Resources Committee comprises four members of the Corporation, two of whom have financial qualifications and expertise. It operates in accordance with written terms of reference approved by the Corporation.
The Committee is responsible to the Corporation for considering specific matters relating to the financial operations of the College and monitoring the financial Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) and the monthly management accounts, as well as specific matters in relation to the College Estate, including any proposals for sale or rental of college property.
The committee met five times in the year to 31 July 2022 with 84% attendance.
Curriculum and Quality Committee
The Curriculum and Quality Committee comprises four members of the Corporation who have expertise in the areas of Curriculum and Quality. It operates in accordance with written terms of reference approved by the Corporation.
The committee advises and supports the development of the College for the achievement and maintenance of high standards of teaching, learning and assessment. It also serves as a forum to consider new ideas relating to curriculum delivery, assessment and student support, in addition to monitoring the Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) in relation to outcomes from the College’s quality assurance systems in respect of assessment, learners’ experiences, destinations and satisfaction surveys.
The Committee acts as Validation Panel for the College’s Self-Assessment Report, recommending the final Report to the Corporation for approval and the Committee will participate on behalf of the College in working to develop the local LSIP.
The committee met twice in the year to 31 July 2022 (the May 2022 meeting was opened up to all Corporation Members to discuss the Curriculum Plan proposals), with 100% attendance
Search and Governance Committee
The Search and Governance Committee Comprises five members who operate in accordance with terms of reference approved by the Corporation. The Committee meet as required to oversee governance arrangements including the regular review of the self-evaluation process described above and recruiting, interviewing and recommending to the Corporation new members for appointment.
The committee met three times in the year to 31 July 2022 with 87% attendance.
Remuneration Committee
The Corporation has established a Remuneration Committee to provide oversight of its responsibilities in connection with the employment of those posts designated as Senior Post Holders, this includes conducting the appraisal and review process for those persons. Throughout the year ending 31 July 2022, the College’s Remuneration Committee comprised six members of the Corporation. The Committee’s responsibilities are making recommendations to the Corporation in respect of those responsibilities detailed above.
The College takes consideration of the AoC’s Senior Staff Remuneration Code and the OfS framework.
As agreed by the Corporation and as recommended by the Remuneration Committee, the Senior Post Holders received a 2.5% pay award during the year in line with that approved for all College staff.
The committee met twice in the year to 31 July 2022 with an average attendance of 67%.