Computing and IT
Construction & Building Services
Creative & Visual Arts
Creative Media Production
Engineering & Automotive
Foundation Studies
National Citizen Service
SEND Provision
Accountancy & Bookkeeping
Business & Administration
Catering & Hospitality
Computing and IT
Construction & Building Services
Customer Service
Engineering & Automotive
Hair & Beauty
Health, Social Care & Early Years
University Level
Engineering & Automotive
Health, Social Care & Early Years
Sport & Public Services
Adult Learning
Access to Higher Education
Accountancy & Bookkeeping
Assessor Qualifications (TAQA)
Green Skills
Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity
Equality and Diversity objectives
Weymouth College will:
- hold as a guiding principle the belief that all people are of equal worth
- practise Equality and Diversity in everything we do
- aim to foster an environment where everyone is treated with dignity, fairness and respect according to their needs
- celebrate diversity and the individuality of each and every member of the College
- commit to eliminating bullying and harassment, prejudice and stereotyping.
Weymouth College is committed to complying with its duties under the Equality Act 2010; we are working to remove all barriers to people accessing the College. This includes any staff, students, visitors and external partners of the College.
This Single Equality Scheme is a statement of our strong commitment and continuing approach to delivering equality of opportunity for all staff, students and visitors to the College. It is closely aligned to the College’s strategic priorities. The principles set down in The Single Equality Scheme are fundamental to building a more inclusive learning organisation which sees Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity as a dynamic driver for change and which takes the Equality Act 2010 to its heart.
We aim to be open to all sections of the community and to be a truly inclusive organisation where individual differences are respected, where staff and students are treated solely on their merits, and where everyone has a fair opportunity to fulfill their potential. We welcome the statutory duties under the Equality Act 2010 which asks public authorities to take a proactive approach to the promotion of equality, diversity and inclusivity. Including the three due regards:
- Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct prohibited under the Act
- Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it
- Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it
Weymouth College has used positive initiatives to make our services, policies, practices and buildings as accessible as possible. The Scheme highlights our progress to date, where there are gaps, where we can make improvements in policy and practice, and our new responsibility to promote equality in all aspects of our work.
We have involved students, staff, managers and external organisations through a range of activities and initiatives in developing this Scheme. The feedback from staff, students and external partners has enabled us to prioritise key actions, which will enable us to develop and enhance the extensive services and support we already offer. We will also take a fresh look at those areas which require new initiatives.
Our Single Equality Scheme provides the essential framework for promoting and embedding equality across all areas of our work. It will enable us to provide a positive and lasting difference to the experiences of current and potential students, staff and external partners and those who would like to join us as students and employees. This will also provide the opportunity for Weymouth College to attract and retain talented staff and students and enhance our diversity and competitiveness in the changing and dynamic further and higher education environment.