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Learn and practice drawing and painting techniques using a variety of media.

Suitable for both new students and those progressing on on from last term’s course.

Your tutor is a professional art teacher with a wealth of experience.

Unless you already have these, you will need to buy the following materials which can be purchased either online, at WH Smith or at Herrings in Dorchester:

  • Small set of soft ‘B’ pencils approximately £2.00
  • Fine liner pen (Tesco) 2 pack approximately £2.50
  • Preferred brushes Pro Art Polar round paint brush, size 8 is approximately £2.75 and size 12 is approximately £4.00 (these not needed for first few lessons)
  • Cartridge paper- medium to heavy weight, A4 or A3, approximately £5.50 upwards toward £11.00/£12.00, depending on quality

You can book this course online or by calling 01305 764723 Tues, Weds and Thurs. To discuss more information about any of the adult leisure courses call 07518 749 942.

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